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Kort overzicht over wat je allemaal kunt bijleren in de topics.
  • infrastructuur
  • virtualisatie
  • containers
  • self-hosting
  • pi-hole
  • mediaserver
  • Homelab topics


    In dit topic leer je bij over wat voor hardware je allemaal nodig hebt voor je homelab.

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    Wat is virtualisatie en hoe kun je het gebruiken om flexibel te werken in je homelab?

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    Wat zijn containers en waarom zijn ze iets dat je niet over het hoofd mag zien?

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    Wat is self-hosting en wat kun je allemaal zelf hosten?

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    Pi-hole DNS

    In dit topic bespreek ik wat Pi-hole DNS is en waarom het de beste optie is als je veilig wilt surfen op het web.

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    Wat is een mediaserver en hoe werkt het? Zoek hier ook meer informatie op over films.

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    Verschillen tussen virtualisatie en containers

    Area Virtualization Containerization
    Isolation Provides complete isolation from the host operating system and the other VMs Typically provides lightweight isolation from the host and other containers, but doesn’t provide as strong a security boundary as a VM
    Operating system Runs a complete operating system including the kernel, thus requiring more system resources such as CPU, memory, and storage Runs the user-mode portion of an operating system, and can be tailored to contain just the needed services for your app using fewer system resources
    Guest compatibility Runs just about any operating system inside the virtual machine Runs on the same operating system version as the host
    Deployment Deploy individual VMs by using Hypervisor software Deploy individual containers by using Docker or deploy multiple containers by using an orchestrator such as Kubernetes
    Persistent storage Use a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) for local storage for a single VM or a Server Message Block (SMB) file share for storage shared by multiple servers Use local disks for local storage for a single node or SMB for storage shared by multiple nodes or servers
    Load balancing Virtual machine load balancing is done by running VMs in other servers in a failover cluster An orchestrator can automatically start or stop containers on cluster nodes to manage changes in load and availability.
    Networking Uses virtual network adapters Uses an isolated view of a virtual network adapter. Thus, provides a little less virtualization